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extVIEW Active Directory View/Search 2.66

extVIEW Active Directory View/Search 2.66

Screenshots of extVIEW Active Directory View/Search

extVIEW Active Directory View/Search Publisher's Description

extVIEW is a browser-based solution that makes viewing and searching Active Directory users and contacts fast, easy, and accurate.

extVIEW enables you to utilize your existing Active Directory infrastructure to create an easy-to-use, web-based directory of employee information in a matter of minutes!

With extVIEW, you can easily and readily:

* Provide direct viewing access to Active Directory entries!
* Maintain a corporate directory of employee information!
* Display employee pictures stored in Active Directory!
* Find any user or contact listed in Active Directory!

extVIEW features include the following:

* Configurable Active Directory Viewing Fields
* Configurable Page Size (entries per page)
* Search by Active Directory Field
* Sort by Active Directory Field
* Printable Employee Directory Listing, including:
* Configurable Printed Page Fields
* Configurable Printed Page Size (entries per page)
* Configurable Printed Page Sorting
* Configurable Printed Page Appearance via external CSS file
* Ability to Display Active Directory Users and Contacts
* Ability to Specify Bind User via Config File
* Ability to Display User Pictures from Active Directory or Local Filesystem
* Ability to Enable/Disable Display of Users with Blank First/Last Name
* Ability to Enable/Disable Display of Disabled Users
* Optional Base DN Parameter
* Optional City, Office, Company, and Department Drop-Down Menus
* Optional Alphanumeric Quick Search Links
* Optional User Edit Capability
* Support for Many Common Active Directory/LDAP Fields
* Hyperlinked Active Directory Fields, including Manager and Direct Reports
* Custom Application Title
* Hover-Over Table Row Coloring
* Customizable Display Parameters Including Colors, Fonts, and more via external CSS file

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